Research Documents
Here you can find a selection of the written research I have undertaken ranging from detailed brand reports and environmental impact analysis to brief overviews of upcoming trends. Hit the jumps to find what you need:
Behind and Beneath the Drones
An essay that temporarily casts aside the larger political context in order to explore the psychological impacts of the use of large military drones within combat on those who are tasked to use them and those who live beneath them. Includes a rare interview with an active duty US drone sensor operator.
A brief case study into the rise of click and collect in the UK retail market over the past year and projections for its future in 2015.
Eco Report: Cafetiere Life Cycle Analysis
An in depth study and computer aided analysis of the environmental impact of a product throughout its life cycle, concluded with a viable redesign proposal to reduce impact alongside evidence and analysis of the proposed changes.
Group Report: National Geographic Brand Report
A detailed look into how the National Geographic brand operates today and a proposed repositioning based on anticipated trends affecting life in 2030. This is a group project undertaken by myself, Ryan De Mello, Roberto Mafrici, Taalib Minhas and David Walker.